Physics and Motion

Pendulums, dynamic circular movement, vectors, forces, etc...

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Terrain Collisions

Terrain Collisions

The code is really really condensed, and if you wish to have it be a bit more understandable, see this thread: www.kirupa ... Rated 5.0 of 5 2115
Random Connected Motion

Random Connected Motion

I suppose this is more of the motion side of this category - random movement with lines drawn to the mouse :) Edit: Pretty s ... Rated 5.0 of 5 3026
Node Network

Node Network

Randomly moving vectors with lines drawn between them :) Rated 5.0 of 5 1931
Swirling Line v2

Swirling Line v2

Version two of the swirling line thing. I've included both AS2 and AS3 source files. Just remember to remove the [AS] part of ... Rated 4.9 of 5 5094


Here is a quick experiment I did tonight and it ended up being only 30 lines of code and it could easily be condensed. Feel f ... Rated 4.9 of 5 2842
Steam Engine with Inverse Kinematics

Steam Engine with Inverse Kinematics

This is, unbelievably, my first foray into AS3. It's a proof of concept for several different ideas. First off, it's a demons ... Rated 4.9 of 5 1896
bubbles with hitTestObject

bubbles with hitTestObject

A simple exercice trying tween and flash hitTestObject. Rated 4.9 of 5 646