alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user jloa
jloa (1)

SWFSize lib

Please note: you have to download and unzip the files to work properly.
Then rename ".js_safe" files to ".js".

Project: SWFSize lib
Language: as3 + js
Licence: open source
Requires Flex Framework: No
Requires AIR Runtime: No
Project Owner: Julius Loa
Description: SWFSize is a small (really small) library for Adobe Flash technology that works in collaboration with SWFObject and provides...
more >
Listing url:
1237 downloads, 22771 views

swfsize as3 js flash flex library mac mouse wheel issue

Download (3.79 MB)


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user jloa
the listing author jloa 14 years ago

kniotech >> see the official web for info at

user kniotech
kniotech 14 years ago

yeah, what is this?

user jloa
the listing author jloa 14 years ago

yeah, guys. I'm just not able to update all zip archive over the web, so to get the up-to-date version - check it @ the official web or @ the sourceforge.

user waytogo
waytogo 14 years ago

sorry, this version doesn't work correctly but the version on your listing url works (for all those who have the same problem)

user jloa
the listing author jloa 14 years ago

As said on the project page:
"SWFSize is a small (really small) library for Adobe Flash technology that works in collaboration with SWFObject and provides control over the swf's container metrics. By controlling the swfs container metrics SWFSize gives you the ability to solve the MAC OS mouse wheel issue once and for all; dont use workarounds - use the browser's native scrollbars instead."

To make things 100% clear - go see the demos.

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