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user easyshooter
easyshooter (3)

Loading icons : Pack 1 : 16 icons by easyShooter

16 loading icons, it's hard to modify them but the color is easy to change. I hope this will help.
11266 downloads, 68757 views

preloader loading icon icons

Download (257.05 KB)


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user vahidkarimi
vahidkarimi 11 years ago

I want just one icon, not all in one page ... how should i do???
please help me.

user soiswis
soiswis 12 years ago

Love them, thanks :-)

user Raffine
Raffine 13 years ago

GREAT. . .

user sweethyang
sweethyang 13 years ago

so good
thank you

user jpcarloss
jpcarloss 13 years ago

Te pasaste. muchas gracias!!

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