Matrix Effect file preview

Matrix Effect

Matrix text/characters effect, created by Ezanker
617 downloads, 9201 views

matrix effect text animation

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user AZADE27
AZADE27 5 years ago

thanks superrr

user charandhoni
charandhoni 8 years ago

IT IS HELP FULL...............????? SUPER

user burgo855
burgo855 8 years ago

@usearts, If you are only getting "some characters display as a square or rectangular box, or as a box with a dot, question mark or x inside" instead of text then your issue is not the script, the script was made for english characters, I'm pretty certain all east asian characters will not output correctly. If you want Japanese characters to work then i suggest looking into changing the font to a standard such as "Arial"

user userarts
userarts 8 years ago

For me, show only little square, no japanese!

user WebDataBank
WebDataBank 8 years ago


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