alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user fabiopenter
fabiopenter (1)

Webcam and save images

capture images with your webcam and save on your computer
1214 downloads, 18297 views

webcam save images

Download (845.23 KB)


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user fabiopenter
the listing author fabiopenter 13 years ago

Hello Luis, has already changed the link, now you can see what work, if you need anything else just ask, hugs.

user fabiopenter
the listing author fabiopenter 13 years ago

Hola Luis, ya ha cambiado el enlace, ahora usted puede ver lo que trabajo, si usted necesita cualquier otra cosa pregunte, abrazos.

user luisespero
luisespero 13 years ago

so good, i try to view your personal website but is not aviable, could you send me new link to see your works?, thanks

user tedino
tedino 15 years ago

Hi again and is it possible to put one stampicon similar as YouTube in the rightdown corner and when u save photo it puts that icon/logo in jpg?
Please i need answer asap and i would be grateful.


user tedino
tedino 15 years ago

Hello Fabiopenter..
Is that possible o try using your source with some effects. I tried that many times and failed :S
Please help me. Contact me i would be happy.
Sincerly yours Ted

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