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user activetofocus
activetofocu.. (9)

CountDown with XML

This is a countdown by read XML.
> as2.0
> flash 8 development
> convenient, beautiful, easy to use
use method:
> just edit the data.xml to change the date of countdown.
year = "2011"
month = "01"
day = "01">
more >
Listing url:
2275 downloads, 25510 views

count down date xml

Download (105.92 KB)


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user iliza
iliza 13 years ago

Thank you very much, nice work!

user kniotech
kniotech 14 years ago

looks Great! I have to download this and try

user cate
cate 14 years ago

Good work !

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 14 years ago

Enjoy it!

user siwahyu
siwahyu 14 years ago

thanks for sharing.. really helpfull :)

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