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user lionelpo
lionelpo (1)

Black Contact Form

Upload files on your server and modify php file
Enjoy it!

4855 downloads, 27054 views
Download (43.53 KB)


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user mahon
mahon 13 years ago

Hi All
This is just what I'm looking for. (very nice)
1 can I use this?
Can the entry fields made Gray?
How does I get it to work, I love flash, but can only work in PHotoshop CS/6

I think I need some help here :-)


user elvesino
elvesino 16 years ago

Nead help how do y get the to be sent via your mail form
pleac help dont now if the php is utf8 format or not

user Push
Push 16 years ago

jadore a, grat work!

user helloworld
helloworld 16 years ago

do you do contract work???

user lionelpo
the listing author lionelpo 16 years ago

Hi Kobyn,
This application call a function named mail(), you should ask to your hosting and active it (if is possible). Maybe he has named this function email().

See you ;)

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