Sierpinski's triangle, iterated function systems, etc...

Interactive Tree V2
This is a fractal tree that allows user interaction. This is an updated version of the one I had on here previously.
Koch's Island
This application will generate Koch's curve. It uses a base-motif algorithm where points are stored in an array and then on ...
Blue Fractal Tree
This is my growing fractal tree. Use the slider to control the height...err...ya just experiment. Its cool. :)
Here is a recursion experiment that I whipped up yesterday that produces some nice looking lightning. Please let me know what ...
Ikeda Attractor
This is a quick thing I made in flash 8 that was inspired by the book Chaos and Fractals" produced by the American Mathematic ...
Fractal Clump Scribbler
I really need to come up with a better title for this, lol. FYI, this is the first file submitted to V2!