Image Effects

Dynamic image effects, masking techniques, etc...

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3. Slide Effect

3. Slide Effect

Another cool image effect.... Rated 4.4 of 5 9994
Flulup v0.2

Flulup v0.2

Drag and click on image. Install MC_Tween mxp and change one image, and use it! Rated 4.1 of 5 9123
Mouve Image Stage Align

Mouve Image Stage Align

DOWNLOAD IT FOR SEE THE REAL EFFECT THANKS Mouse control image and Stage Align FOR FLASH 8 i use TWEEN 2 so you can downl ... Rated 4.6 of 5 8865
Alpha Glow Effect

Alpha Glow Effect

Image slideshow with alpha glow transition effect. Insert more images by, inseting more keyframes in the 'MC' movieclip. Laco ... Rated 4.3 of 5 8709
FLULUP Image in circles

FLULUP Image in circles

4 circles 1 image - you can change one picture and use it. Rated 3.7 of 5 8299
Mustang transformation

Mustang transformation

Mustang transformation created in after effect and flash, you need caurina transition to use fla file(don't forget about it) ... Rated 4.5 of 5 8273
panoromic scroll

panoromic scroll

scroll, sound...3D effect Rated 4.5 of 5 8233