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user advance-media
advance-medi.. (6)

revolving stone plate 3D navigation

This revolving stone plate 3D navigation is primarily scripted and optimized to be CPU efficient. It features a simple Z-Axis sort via visible=true/false. The rotation effect is realized by rotationX, quite cube like but the rotation is limited to the X-Axis. All programming is native to flash 10 as3, no third party 3D engine is used. No ENTER_FRAME loop is constantly running if no interaction... more >
2422 downloads, 26833 views

stone plate 3d navigation perspectiveprojection projectioncenter focallength fieldofview stagefocusrect

Download (33.47 KB)


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user ipubi
ipubi 15 years ago

Thank you!

user gayalcham
gayalcham 15 years ago

hi folko..its me gayal see my new creation in here..! ripple_menu_3121.html

user rynn89
rynn89 15 years ago


user ramesh_646
ramesh_646 15 years ago


user mburo
mburo 15 years ago

This is very awesome, but i cant seem to be able to add more buttons, also is there a possible way to align the stons horizontally?

show all 14 comments