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user moraes99
moraes99 (3)

Invaders 2015

Simple game of plane.

Version: Flash Lite 2.0
ActionScript version: ActionScript 2.0
Size: 176 x 208 pixels

1550 downloads, 22480 views
Download (145.30 KB)


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user fabiopenter
fabiopenter 16 years ago

Nossa que massa, vou ver se aprendo como fazer.

user Negmawy
Negmawy 16 years ago

oh.. I found it !!

I want to tell you one simple note

the note is :
(((( Can you make a submit score button ?? )))) LOOOOL !!
my score is 500

user Negmawy
Negmawy 16 years ago

what's the shoot key ?? are a great designer ..
but tell me first where is the shoot key ??

user kaushik2k7
kaushik2k7 16 years ago

so nice,
keep it up.

user Lekin
Lekin 16 years ago

very good guy!

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