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user flash007
flash007 (13)


Hi Friends
This is a beautiful flash wallpaper for your NOKIA 6300 PHONE.
Just Download and save AS Your NOKIA 6300 Wallpaper.
It can be used for other NOKIA PHONE.

1392 downloads, 45679 views
Download (63.77 KB)


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user microait
microait 15 years ago

yes, it is nice but
y u choose this pic? hoanglyminh

user jojo83thomas
jojo83thomas 15 years ago

Nice Background...

user hoanglyminh
hoanglyminh 15 years ago

Nice post

user AZADE27
AZADE27 15 years ago

theank you ok olmu super love clock

user chicavvs
chicavvs 15 years ago

Excellent job

show all 7 comments