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user JuliusDesign
JuliusDesign (7)

News Slider AS3

This tutoria is about an automate news slider, like the one in website.

The main propose of this news slider is show news on the front page, with a title, an image, some descriptive text, and a link to the full article.

It uses an XML file to load the data.

Author: Fausto Carrera

Listing url:
9540 downloads, 59351 views

xml news loader rotator

Download (201.68 KB)


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user varunz
varunz 15 years ago

wow cool.

user GABRIEL513
GABRIEL513 15 years ago

Is very easy.... change the target

user adibiduia
adibiduia 16 years ago

I dont know why you make a target=_blank and I cant find where and how to change it... not a good job

user gentewiki
gentewiki 16 years ago


user kobyn
kobyn 16 years ago

It is working great. If you click on any slide a new windows is open up. Is anyway to avoid this? That means after click on any slide just open the link related to in the same window.

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