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user TheCanadian
TheCanadian (17)

Collecting Snow

Finally got this back up, thanks to the people at FFiles for getting the zip files working so I don't have to attach one of the classes as XML.<br /><br />This file uses two (mostly un-reusable) classes, SnowFlake and BitmapText. SnowFlake is used to create/move the snow. BitmapText is simply used to create, well, bitmap text.<br /><br />Enjoy :)
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user picassoo
picassoo 14 years ago

you ar the best

user divya
divya 15 years ago


LFRYARTGUY 16 years ago

like the snow following the cursor..

user Ayhan1317
Ayhan1317 16 years ago

a buatiful great job god god :D

user m_lokeshkumar
m_lokeshkumar 16 years ago

great job........ can you send me the script for as3.0
bcoz i am perfect in as3.. my email id is " [email protected] "

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