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user lucasmotta
lucasmotta (19)

Flash Gallery with BitmapData animation

This Flash Gallery uses XML and external images. The full view image, is loaded to flash and transformed in a Bitmap to apply some differents effects.

I'm using two class in this experiment.
The Tweener:
And LoadManager.

They are also included on the .zip file.

I hope you enjoy and learn a little with this gallery.
Have some bugs and problems.....
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user valentinaction
valentinaction 14 years ago

Hey buddy!

thank you so much for the gallery. im really glad working with it.
but by now i have such a problem.
I need to split the tumbs in two so, with 2 gallerys i can share the content by one side or another in the stage.

Can i just duplicate the movieclip Or should i create new variables?

thank u for the attention!

user _zob_
_zob_ 14 years ago

Have you tried "this._lockroot = true;"?

user _zob_
_zob_ 14 years ago

First, congrats for the great work!
Does anyone know how to resize de thumbnail image? Im using the same image for thumb and big img (uploaded through backoffice) and the thumb does not resize. My xml <thumb> and <image> shares the same entry so that i can update the content by a single upload in backoffice instead of editing the xml.

Any idea how to force a resize in the actionscript?
Thanks in advance!

user jshortman
jshortman 15 years ago

looks great, but how do you change the color of the buttons (forward, back, close)?

user ankur
ankur 15 years ago


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