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user berneyab
berneyab (2)

Photo Gallery With Scroller

Hi guys, this is a simple flash photo gallery using AS3. It has scroll bar to view more images. Images are loading in run time. For more customized galleries or flash projects, Contact:[email protected]. Feel free to use it and experiment.
4044 downloads, 36392 views

flash as3 gallery scroll gallery caurina tween class

Download (948.22 KB)


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user berneyab
the listing author berneyab 11 years ago

lucky8560, u can add images via the xml file.

user lucky8560
lucky8560 11 years ago

how do you change out the pictures...? HELP!

user marlopax
marlopax 13 years ago

VG..Simply Gr8
Adding Up-Down Arrow will more better.
Multi-dimension image support should give more flexibility.
Using Classes and DesignPattern will give ultimate reusability.


user Dottsie
Dottsie 14 years ago

Good stuff here! Thanks!
I'm using this as a reference for a gallery I'm making(don't worry the only similarity is the thumbnails on the right side), I have a question though say I wanted to have the big image only appear in a pop up after the relative thumbnail is clicked how would I go about that. I have flash experience but I've never actually used pop ups and I'm making a gallery for a friend and for some strange reason that's how she wants it, crazy I know.
I don't expect you to do the work for me but if you could point me in the right direction that'd be great!

user ericherich02
ericherich02 14 years ago

Awesome! How do you add more photos?

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