alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user biochimistu
biochimistu (9)

Photo gallery with transitions AS 3.0

A beautiful photo gallery ,Polaroid type look that loads file from e external source, use transitions and is easy customizable. It is write with ActionScript 3.0
Listing url:
3060 downloads, 53484 views
Download (263.26 KB)


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user biochimistu
the listing author biochimistu 17 years ago

Tell me where the problem is. Maybe I made a mistake or maybe you are making some mistake.

user jollyo
jollyo 17 years ago

Good effort for a tutorial.
As noobie to Flash, I found it frustrating since it does not work if you follow the tutorial verbatim. E.g. instance of "frame" not defined. Layer message has not been inserted. Until one downloads the sample, one cannot get the example to work due to bugs in the tutorial.

..but still, thx !

user injektil0
injektil0 17 years ago

need more tweak ...