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user mc9625
mc9625 (6)

XML Web Gallery Revisited

Hi, I've just modified a little bit the great work made by Badawe, and already available on this site. Now you can move the photos (Drag&Drop) and double click to open them.
I'm not a good programmer at all, I think it could be a great to add two things: 1) avoid to open two photos at the same time. 2) add a little bit of inertia when you drop the photo.
Again, thanks Badawe for his great job!!

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user rizwanzakir
rizwanzakir 14 years ago

What if I want to add a next and previous button with the images, how is it possible? do you have some Hint? or have you created such version as well?

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 17 years ago

mc9625, I modified this file so that it doesnt load content form other websites, that is not OK.

user smuppet
smuppet 17 years ago

o q esse: #include "" ???

user centolla
centolla 17 years ago

Bueno, a have a cuestion. how do yo modify the background color of the gallery. I try modify the color, but i cant. I dont speak english very well,

user pirez
pirez 17 years ago

goodness how do you manage to do this?maybe you can give me some tips on how all this is possible?