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user freeskier89
freeskier89 (34)

Terrain Collisions

The code is really really condensed, and if you wish to have it be a bit more understandable, see this thread:

Refresh the page to have it generate a new random terrain.
I will be interested in what you people think! Everything was created entirely with actionscript :beam:

Listing url:
2115 downloads, 19234 views
Download (4.42 KB)


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user Beyondal
Beyondal 13 years ago

very cool, I have time and want to help me I need a wizard like you to make a simple cloud movement that's realistic but not with realistic clouds pm me!

user lisakerr
lisakerr 15 years ago

Really cool! Great job! You demonstrate exactly what would happen physics-wise in this experiment. I hope you got an A+!

user grooove
grooove 16 years ago

totally love it!
What would you advice to improve my coding skills into this level?
Im an artist and designer, not to good with maths :(
Keep up with the good work!

user s1ckn3ss
s1ckn3ss 17 years ago


user marsen
marsen 17 years ago
