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user kriminalxp
kriminalxp (1)

Cool Preloaders Animations - As 3 version

Cool Flash preloaders circle animations, Credit goes to
Ivan Kozlov ....

This is a modified AS 3 version of this file: ions_3263.html

2633 downloads, 22258 views

flash preloader animation animations circle circles

Download (27.44 KB)


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user enriquezzz
enriquezzz 9 years ago

Gracias por compartir tremendo aporte!, saludos.

user siddharth1234
siddharth1234 12 years ago

nice one

user hazielprogmetal
hazielprogmetal 13 years ago


user hibestil
hibestil 14 years ago

Good preloaders.I must use my website.Tanx kriminal xp.

user kriminalxp
the listing author kriminalxp 14 years ago

pero en el post de salmank dice "Credit goes to
Ivan Kozlov" y estoy publicando su link, yo solo los converti as3
pero si a alguien le molesta u ofende yo lo retiro, lo publique para comodidad de futuros usuarios

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