alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user flash007
flash007 (13)

Simple Preloader

this is a simple preloader.
Just drop it on first frame and your content at second frame...

10570 downloads, 35105 views
Download (392.46 KB)


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user fotis3d
fotis3d 14 years ago

Nevermind i got it.
My mistake.
Thanks again ;)

user fotis3d
fotis3d 14 years ago

Although it's working it doesn't show the numbering.
I'm exporting for flash 9 or 10 with AS2.
Do you know why ?

user kflorida
kflorida 15 years ago

the download button says, "Flash 9, AS 2.0".

the downloaded file is flash 6, as1.0

just an fyi

user aquoon
aquoon 15 years ago

wow.nice loader.i can't make it

user 9pixel
9pixel 15 years ago

good work!

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