HSL Color Picker file preview

HSL Color Picker

HSL Color Picker created by Hunor Marton Borbely
262 downloads, 6592 views

hls color picker

Download (9.35 KB)


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user Julien1988
Julien1988 5 years ago

Other use:
I would like to use the SWF files for a social application; a form for my colleagues. This form is not distributed. it is used in a service for its proper operation. A facilitated form initialization would be nice. Can I get your approval?

user Rajab
Rajab 7 years ago


user sayasajer
sayasajer 7 years ago

The touchevent in mobile is really hard.

user Ghismo
Ghismo 7 years ago

Very nice !

user targetudaya
targetudaya 7 years ago

super i love it

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