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user Shrikantbadade
Shrikantbada.. (3)


Hi My self Shrikant Dinkar Badade []
i create this animation for Network pages, location & branches pages . +91 9821666635 Call me if you want more flash animation like this.

Listing url:
681 downloads, 18251 views

network location branches branch locator animation

Download (238.09 KB)


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user Ari13
Ari13 11 years ago

great work

user diamondamey
diamondamey 11 years ago

Good work Shree.... :)

user rngala
rngala 11 years ago

Good stuff. Great.

user Shrikantbadade
the listing author Shrikantbadade 11 years ago

No its AS2

user cate
cate 11 years ago

You make that in AS3 ?