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user aveef
aveef (2)

Places in Country Map with XML

A map of Indonesia Governor's Office address. Consist of Province name, Address, and Telephone. All datas saved in XML file.

- Zoom In and zoom out
- Dragging
- Customizable data in XML

Listing url:
625 downloads, 18720 views

zoom drag map indonesia xml governor address aveef afif bimantara

Download (189.39 KB)


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user sushant.tawde
sushant.tawde 11 years ago

Nice 1

user yudiana
yudiana 11 years ago

kereeeeeen...matur nuwun kang aveef

user arjun_kumar007
arjun_kumar007 11 years ago

very nice but for the zoom in and zoom out you have to click so many times to zoom in and out instead you can try mouse scrolling zoom in and zoom out effect try in AS3

user vegas
vegas 11 years ago


user JRB
JRB 11 years ago

good job!