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user vanguardista
vanguardista (3)

Basic function to resize MC - 2

Update of the archive ( size_mc_1942.html )

Basic function to resize your MovieClip.
Using Class Tweener - (The class is included in ZIP)

ActionScript 2 / Flash CS4

2473 downloads, 28511 views

resize mc movieclip actionscript basic easy

Download (64.97 KB)


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user rumus
rumus 13 years ago

give me inspiration ...thx ..

user jued
jued 14 years ago


user vanguardista
the listing author vanguardista 14 years ago

Thanks for all

user viijay
viijay 14 years ago

good work done....

user vanguardista
the listing author vanguardista 14 years ago

It's only example for study on resize of MovieClip.

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