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Polar Daisy
This application draws a polar rose. To convert polar to parametric graphing, I came up with the equation: x=radius*Math.c ...
Undersea Bubbles
Here is just a basic particle emitter :)
3D Wave
This application generates sinsuoidal waves on a psuedo 3d grid. I really came by this effect by accident. If you look at the ...
Elasticity Worm
A simple elasticity script drives this five node worm. Each node follows the one in front of it.
Chaotic Sierpinski
This is the first thing I have made in flash 8 :D. It performs 1000 iterations per frame. This is a LOT faster than previous ...
Maze Solving
Artificial inteligence. Definatley not the most efficient maze solver ever, but its all me and two weeks worth of boredom a ...
Car Collision
This was my attempt to simulate two cars colliding... its decently affective. Use the arrow keys to collide with the outline. ...
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