Sierpinski's triangle, iterated function systems, etc...

Chaotic Sierpinski
This is the first thing I have made in flash 8 :D. It performs 1000 iterations per frame. This is a LOT faster than previous ...
Mandelbrot Set
Here is a Mandelbrot set I whipped up in flash 8. It uses a seperate Complex number class in an .as file.
Wolfram Substitution System
I was inspired by A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram. It is quite an interesting concept. Thanks to freeskier89 for the ...
Ikeda Attractor
This is a quick thing I made in flash 8 that was inspired by the book Chaos and Fractals" produced by the American Mathematic ...
Koch's Island
This application will generate Koch's curve. It uses a base-motif algorithm where points are stored in an array and then on ...