alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user csabharp
csabharp (2)

24mm film b version

Its an easyer elnlargement version than the earlyer-more As, fewest graphic
685 downloads, 15565 views

photo 24mm gallery csabharp

Download (1.82 MB)


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user mah
mah 14 years ago


user csabharp
the listing author csabharp 14 years ago

Yes, adrianTNT, you are right, i fixed the problem here, too. Thank you!

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

I fixed it. Problem was that some images were named .JPG and some .jpg , that works ok on windows servers but not on Linux. I renamed them all to lowercase .jpg and works ok.
Common problem :)

user csabharp
the listing author csabharp 14 years ago

Maybe wrong's working,

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

It doesn't load the large images. Does it work for anyone else?

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