Physics and Motion

Pendulums, dynamic circular movement, vectors, forces, etc...

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//ChackFunction = true,false inertia = 0.1 , speed = 5 , jumpHeight = 40 , s = 0 , Position Y = nameMovieClip._y , nameClip = ... Rated 2.0 of 5 837
Circular Movement

Circular Movement

Use Cosine and Sine to create a circular motion effect. Rated 2.7 of 5 1132
Mouse Place

Mouse Place

Localize the place your Mouse point Rated 2.9 of 5 776
Mouse easing

Mouse easing

let move object with ease motion with your mouse pointer movement Rated 3.1 of 5 1643
Flash Weeble

Flash Weeble

This little weeble i made for a science work at school, it shows motion + rotation wizards with a little easing. Rated 3.3 of 5 1021


The ball is the physics part of this. I understand, not that special. The cool part is that the ball's y-coordinate is used ... Rated 3.4 of 5 1166
Flare Random Lines

Flare Random Lines

Click for flare and drag for spider web!!! Rated 3.6 of 5 1715