Physics and Motion

Pendulums, dynamic circular movement, vectors, forces, etc...

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Click and drag for elastic movement of an Object. Rated 4.8 of 5 1323
Friction and Lines

Friction and Lines

Click and drag the button Rated 4.2 of 5 1456
Clothing Label

Clothing Label

I made a Clothing label effect with gravity and rotation, i use tweens and create lines with actionscript. Nice effect. CS4 F ... Rated 4.6 of 5 1615
Mouse easing

Mouse easing

let move object with ease motion with your mouse pointer movement Rated 3.1 of 5 1643
Cursor Move

Cursor Move

Cursor Move Rated 4.0 of 5 1687
Flare Random Lines

Flare Random Lines

Click for flare and drag for spider web!!! Rated 3.6 of 5 1715
Elastic Micky Mouse

Elastic Micky Mouse

I was bored and I did this :) I use elastic tween. But the string was hard to do... Rated 4.0 of 5 1779