alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user advance-media
advance-medi.. (6)

The HTML box

The HTML BOX is a completely scripted FLASH 9 AS3 application that loads a CSS (cascading style sheets) file and a XML file in which the styled html parts are stored. Simply add HTML sub pages in the xml file and use the script generated arrow buttons or the TextEvent.LINK to navigate. Not only the html tag styled with css hover or rollover effects is supported, also the html image... more >
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3277 downloads, 31047 views
Download (43.26 KB)


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user microait
microait 15 years ago

nice work

user BobYoung
BobYoung 15 years ago

U Rock!

user SexyBoy
SexyBoy 15 years ago

me too! Just what I have been looking for!

user scratchie
scratchie 15 years ago

Very cool! Just what I have been looking for!

user somarcio
somarcio 15 years ago

Cool Man, but not run in Firefox.

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