adrianTNT (32)
Contact Form With ReCaptcha
Ajax contact form with Google reCaptcha anti boot, anti spam system.Responsive width, fits nicely on mobile devices too.
Easy to customize styling, includes a separated .css file.
You can easily add new input boxes (e.g "city", "address", etc), the new data will be sent automatically.
Easy to integrate in your site, just upload the provided files on your site and paste these two code... more >
292 downloads, 7379 views
php contact form verification captcha recaptcha
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Hi justaprick, I didn't test it with PHP 7 but what you shown is a general PHP issue, not related to PHP 7 itself. It shows that server error reporting is set to also display "notices", not just "errors". Look into customizing error reporting, it might work with this in top of tnt_ajax_contact_form.php:
Not php 7 ready?
Notice: Undefined index: tnt_ajax_contact_form_sent in /opt/lampp/htdocs/testbed/ajax-contact-f orm/tnt_ajax_contact_form.php on line 73
Hi Aantje-Banaantje, try this:
inside tnt_ajax_contact_form.php locate this part, around line 115 in my editor:
if($contact_form_variable!='contact_for m_box_message' and $contact_form_variable!='g-recaptcha-res ponse' and $contact_form_variable!='contact_form_bo x_receiver' and $contact_form_variable!='contact_form_bo x_subject'){
add this condition next to them:
and $contact_form_variable != 'tnt_ajax_contact_form_sent'
Hi, Great script! Can you show me how to remove this line in the email I get from the form: "tnt ajax contact form sent: true" Thanks!
THX a lot!!!!!!!