Physics and Motion

Pendulums, dynamic circular movement, vectors, forces, etc...

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Multiple Target Spring

Multiple Target Spring

Drag the Blue Circles. Rated 4.8 of 5 1225
Mouse Place

Mouse Place

Localize the place your Mouse point Rated 2.9 of 5 776


The ball is the physics part of this. I understand, not that special. The cool part is that the ball's y-coordinate is used ... Rated 3.4 of 5 1166
Cursor Move

Cursor Move

Cursor Move Rated 4.0 of 5 1687
Friction and Lines

Friction and Lines

Click and drag the button Rated 4.2 of 5 1456


Click and drag for elastic movement of an Object. Rated 4.8 of 5 1323
Parallax Management Class

Parallax Management Class

Just declare a movieclip on your stage as an instance of ParallaxContainer, and then add to the render list the object you wa ... Rated 4.1 of 5 2403