Web Apps and Data
Web Services, loading and manipulating external data, etc..

Star Rating Rollover SVG template
Template for creating a rating system, it contains the html/JavaScript code to display the stars and to create the rollover e ...
List Filter
React List Filter, created by Enrico Mattiazzi It allows you to search for a list of pre-defined items.
CVS game DataGrid
dataGrid/ onload this wil load a CVS text file which consist of comma seperated values, then this information will be added t ...
read end write a xml file with actionscript a ...
A mini web site with subscribe or unsubcribe function. The function of this web site is to subscribe childrens into roller s ...
Dynamic download Manager
More or less it is a data type grid all of the text is imported from an external text file("info.txt") this is more of a tem ...